GOOD NEWS: Mom Dyes Doll’s Face To Match Daughter’s Birthmark

When six-year-old Nevaeh Bird  got a new doll from her grandma, it had brown hair and brown eyes to  look like her. But the little girl from Manhattan said something was  missing. She was born with a port wine birthmark on the left side of her  face and she wanted her doll to have one to match.

“I said I can always make it have a birthmark and it’ll be permanent forever,” explains her mom, Jessica,  “and she was so excited.” So this brilliant mom took her dark red  lipstick and traced her little girl’s birthmark onto the doll, sealing  it with clear nail polish.

"It literally took me 20 minutes,"  Bird says. "It keeps instilling in her to stay positive about it. She’s  really excited about the doll, she shows it off to all her friends. She  looks at it and sees how pretty the doll is, and sees how pretty she  is." What a great way to help her daughter embrace her beauty!

Source: Inside Edition 

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