Like Black Licorice? Don't Overdue It - Man's Death Could Be Linked To It!

I LOOOOOVE black licorice! I pick the black jelly beans over the others - now, I don't overdo it, because I have heard it can cause issues with your heart..

From 24/7 News Source: (Boston, MA) -- A 54-year-old construction worker is dead and his love of black liquorice might be one of the causes. The unidentified Massachusetts man ate about one and a half bags of the candy each day. He went into cardiac arrest at a fast food restaurant and was rushed to the hospital. Tests there revealed he had dangerously low levels of potassium and a key acid that is part of the liquorice. Doctors said that acid can cause the body's mineral levels to get out of sync. Even a small amount of liquorice can raise blood pressure.

Photo: Getty Images

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