ALLEGHENY COUNTY: Reports No New Coronavirus Deaths

PITTSBURGH, PA - Allegheny County Health Department released their daily update for COVID-19 cases in the area.

For the second consecutive day, no new coronavirus deaths were reported by the Allegheny County Health Department on Monday. The death toll in the county during the outbreak remains at 143.

As of yesterday morning, there are 38 new cases in the county with a total of 1,641 cases (confirmed or probable). 294 of those cases (past or present) have required hospitalization. Out of those 294, one-hundred-twenty-one have been admitted to the ICU with sixty-seven requiring the use of a ventilator. There have been one-hundred-forty-three deaths. 24,366 test have been administered.

An interactive map of case locations as well as their COVID-19 Dashboard is available HERE.

Breakdown of cases by age group:

0-9 years: 10

10-19 years: 25

20-29 years: 232

30-39 years: 201

40-49 years: 208

50-59 years: 298

60-69 years: 276

70+ years: 392

"Of the newly reported cases, 14 are associated with long-term care facilities. Of these, specimen collection dates range from May 12 to May 15, 2020.

Of the 1,641 cases, 235 cases are in healthcare workers. This reflects 14% of the COVID-19 cases in Allegheny County. The Health Department thanks all of our frontline workers for keeping us healthy and safe."

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