PA'S YELLOW PHASE: What Will Open, What Will Remain Closed?

When visiting businesses, offices, and other in-person retailers, people should always be wearing face masks.

Locations providing in-person business services should be wiping down and disinfecting surfaces as often as possible. They should also have detailed plans about what to do in case they discover that an employee or customer has become infected with coronavirus.

What will be open?

  • All in-person retailers, like appliance stores, clothing stores, and sporting goods stores, are allowed to operate, but curbside pick-up and delivery are still encouraged.
  • Bike shops and cell-phone providers, pet stores, golf courses, marinas, and gun stores were opened under red, but under yellow, they have less strict rules.
  • Bail bondsmen, law offices, notary and title services, car dealerships, garden centers, and apartment leasing offices are open for in-person sales under yellow phase.
  • It also means that child-care providers are allowed to operate, but must comply with state guidelines.
  • The state explanation does link to another long form. That form states dozens of rules that all businesses and operations conducting in-person operations, including those that are open to the public, must follow. Some of those that visitors, shoppers, and patrons should now follow include:
  • Some Department of Motor Vehicle offices in those counties reopened and are offering limited in-person services like commercial licensing and photo identification services.

What about gatherings?

  • Gatherings of more than 25 people are prohibited. People who can work from home must continue where feasible.
  • Hotels, motels,hostels, and short-term rentals are allowed, as long as they adhere to social distancing, cleaning, and gathering-limit guidelines. (WARNING: NO PARTIES ALLOWED)

What will be closed still?

  • Restaurants and bars can still only operate as takeout and delivery. Visits to nursing homes, congregate-care facilities, prisons, and jails are still prohibited.
  • Gyms, spas, hair salons, nail salons, and other entities that provide massage therapy must remain closed because they cannot perform services without maintaining intimate contact.
  • Entertainment venues like casinos and theaters also must remain closed. No sporting events!

Souce: City Paper - Photo courtesy of Getty Images

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