CELEBRITIES: Team Up For "Commencement: Speeches for the Class of 2020"

The graduating class of 2020 is an unexpected casualty of the coronavirus crisis. Thankfully, iHeartMedia is doing its part to bridge the gap between a traditional rite of passage and our new normal. 

Jimmy Fallon, John Legend, DJ Khaled, Tim McGraw, and Chelsea Handler are just a few of the celebrities who’ve signed up to be part of the new project and podcast, “Commencement: Speeches for the Class of 2020.” The series will publish all the speeches on May 15th right before National Graduation Day on May 17th. Each one will be produced specifically for iHeartMedia. They’ll appear on the podcast and be broadcast on iHeart Radio stations around the country. 

“High school and college seniors are always in need of inspiration, reassurance, and life advice as they head into the next chapter of their lives, and that is especially true this year,” Conal Byrne, president of the iHeartPodcast Network, said. “Speeches for the Class Of 2020 brings together some of the most-experienced and inspiring people in the country today to celebrate the resilience, strength, and accomplishments of this year’s graduates. These are the speakers our graduates would have had at their real-world ceremonies if not for current circumstances, and we couldn’t be more excited to bring them together through this podcast.”

Source:Rolling Stone

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

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