Neighborhood Hero Incentives For Our 3WS Winter Warm-Up RequestAThon!

Wednesday & Thursday, our annual 3WS Winter Warm-Up RequestAThon to benefit Dollar Energy Fund! Tomorrow & Thursday, while supplies last, each person who calls 1-800-823-WARM, or goes to and becomes a Neighborhood Hero at the $15/mo level or more, receives a free turkey from Jones Turkey Farm in Cabot, a carload pass to this year's Shadrack's Christmas Wonderland in Butler, AND, a 3WS Christmas Ornament from Wendell August Forge - plus you'll be eligible for several grand incentive packages featuring autographed Steeler and Penguin memorabilia, a Seven Springs getaway, and a kitchen package featuring a new GE 30" free-standing Electric Convection Range from Dormont Appliance! And, of course, all the great requests!

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