3WS Radio Holiday Blood Drive

3WS Radio Holiday Blood Drive 

December 30th at The Chadwick in Wexford

Want to make a positive impact on your community? Come to the 3WS HOLIDAY Blood Drive on Wednesday, December 30th from 10a to 6p at The Chadwick in Wexford.

When you donate blood, you’ll Save Lives and Feed Families, because a contribution will be made to local community food banks on every donor’s behalf. Double the impact of your blood donation.

All donors can enjoy complimentary smoothies from Smoothie King.

All Donors will be eligible to win Smoothies -for-a-year compliments of Smoothie King.

ALL DONORS ELIGIBLE TO WIN $500 to pay off some Holiday bills!

All the donors at the 3WS drive will get a T-shirt: https://www.vitalant.org/wintergift2020

To schedule your appointment, go to vitalant.org/3WS and search for 3WS Group Code: ME010023.

Donating is safe and has been designated by the Surgeon General as an essential activity during the pandemic.

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