DOCTOR: Gives Six Reasons To Be Optimistic About Beating Coronavirus

There’s not one American whose life hasn’t been interrupted or altered by the coronavirus. While mass freak-outs, cancellations, and runs on toilet paper…so to speak…become the new normal, there are reasons to be optimistic. On his “Medlife Crisis” YouTube channel, Dr. Rohin Francis gives his six reasons why he’s positive about our ability to beat this thing and get past it.

  • You –We’ve got control of our own little worlds. When each person does what is necessary to care of themselves and those around them, it’s an empowering step in the right direction. Wash your hands often, distance yourself as much as possible, avoid unnecessary meetings, stay home as much as you can…all of the above even more so if you think you’re getting sick.
  • It’s Beatable –Cheap soap or hand sanitizer tears it up. The virus structure is weak and only protected by a “droplet of fat” that can be dehydrated by gels made of 70% alcohol or a vigorous hand washing.

Mortality Rates –The numbers are better than you think. You may have heard mortality rates as high as 3%, but the numbers can be drastically lower in different regions. Furthermore, many cases, especially those with mild symptoms, are not yet diagnosed. With more widespread tests and better treatments on the way, the mortality rate will decrease.

  • Other Countries –Of the 130K confirmed cases in the world, over 70K have recovered. We can use the successes in South Korea, Taiwan & Singapore to help our cause here.
  • ‘Round The Clock Science –Between the tireless work of scientists, the record time findings are being published, and international cooperation between organizations the work for a solution never stops.
  • Kids –For reasons not yet known, it appears kids are the group least infected/affected by with this thing.

While we all deal with the hassles, despair, and uncertainty…it always helps to have something to positive to take with you.

Source:Medlife Crisis

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

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